EB140 Agenda Item 8.7 - Promoting the health of migrants

January 2017 - WHPA welcomes WHO’s efforts in promoting migrant health and wish to highlight that late or denied treatment is discriminatory and contravenes a fundamental human right. Refusing to provide healthcare is not only ethically wrong, it poses a serious public health risk.

EB140 Provisional Agenda Item 8.1 Human resources for health and implementation of the outcomes of the United Nations’ High-Level Commission of Health Employment and Economic Growth

January 2017 - WHPA strongly supports the Commission’s report including the ten recommendations and five specific actions and the clear statement it has made on investing in health. Health is a strong driver of the economy, not an economic drain – a strong and resilient healthcare system offers secure jobs, helps countries to better overcome economic crises and respond to catastrophes and contributes to social justice and stability.
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