Press release to mark World Humanitarian Day 2024

19 August 2024—On World Humanitarian Day, health professionals join humanitarians around the world to express unwavering condemnation of the escalating violence targeting healthcare facilities and personnel.

WHPA statement at seventh INB meeting on future WHO pandemic treaty

6 November 2023—The WHPA continues to successfully represent the interests of health professionals in the negotiations to develop a WHO instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response, delivering the following statement at the seventh meeting of the pandemic treaty's Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB).

Joint press release: Memorandum of Understanding signed with WHO

8 November 2022—To mark the signing of an historic Memorandum of Understanding between the 5 members of the WHPA and the World Health Organization (WHO), the partners have issued a joint press release outlining the need for a collaborative approach to investing in the health workforce and emphasizing the shared goals of the partner organizations. 

Involvement of Non-State Actors (NSAs) in WHO Governing Bodies' Processes

WHPA are concerned about the report of the WHO secretariat regarding the involvement of Non-State Actors (NSAs) in governing body processes, in addition to the reactions from member states during the 145th session of the WHO Executive Board. We feel that the increase in the number of organisations in official relations with WHO, and their attendance at governing body meetings, reflects a healthy trend of increased transparency and dialogue on behalf of WHO and in our opinion, should not be restricted.

Health Care Professions condemn new Brunei laws

April 2019 - The World Health Professions Alliance has condemned new laws, recently put in place by the Brunei, which it considers to be inhumane and discriminatory, and in breach of international human rights agreements. The new penal code, introduced in April 2019, imposes death by stoning for adultery and gay sex, as well as amputations for theft and public flogging for abortion.

Declaración Conjunta de la AMPS sobre Falsificación de Productos Médicos

Marzo 2010 - Todos los profesionales de la salud tienen un objetivo común de proteger el bienestar de los pacientes en todo el mundo de los productos médicos falsificados o de calidad inferior. Debe asumirse una actitud pro-activa y tomar medidas de colaboración con los gobiernos y otros agentes clave de la cadena de suministro legítima, tales como los fabricantes y distribuidores de productos farmacéuticos, para asegurar la calidad, seguridad y eficacia de todos los productos médicos disponibles en cada país, en conformidad con las normas internacionales reconocidas.

Statement on Health and Climate Change

November 2009 - Based on recognised scientific evidences related to the impact of climate change on health, the WHPA is profoundly concerned by its harmful effects, predominantly among vulnerable populations, including the risks of increased malnutrition, death and injury due to natural disasters (e.g. floods and storms), changes in disease patterns and in the ranges and numbers of disease vectors.